Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Patience is how you behave when you are waiting

I was randomly hopping around blogs and I saw this on Linda's livejournal. I think it do makes a lot of senses to me. I want to love Jesus and hate the satan. I pray that you too, will love Him because He's really coming back..

" Penny for thoughts - Would you agree with me that there are only two extremes in the world?


You may not agree, but there are only two extremes in my life.

I remember someone said this to me before: "Let my YES be YES and NO be NO. If I say otherwise, I'll be fickle minded."

I'm not a driver yet. But I know that at a T-junction, you either make a left turn or a right turn. If you go straight, you break the rules and are doom for accident.

You either cloud a glass of plain water with white or black. They cannot exist at the same time. Grey areas are neither here not there! (and I'm not referring to things like zebra crossing or any other black-white patterns here)

You either make a right decision or a wrong one.

In light you can't see darkness. Total darkness is killed when a beam of light shines.

There's no lies in truth. Period.

The bible says, we cannot serve two masters, either we hate the one and love the other, or we will be devoted to the one and despise the other. (Luke 16:13a). Simply said, if we love Jesus, we hate satan. If we love satan, we hate Jesus.

I choose Jesus. And I'm glad because He is the light of my world.


For those who are experiencing a certian level of opposition from the other forces, my prayer for you is that you do not give up.

God is there to protect you and keep you from these opposing forces. "


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